Coaching is a very personal and deep experience. At the end of every coaching relationship we share in a completion session what's needed for the client/s and the coach to feel complete with the coaching process. I use to ask my clients if they are willing to share a testimonial about their coaching experience. My deep gratitude goes to my clients.
They are generously making their personal experience available to others on a similar journey of personal or relationship systems growth.
Executive Coaching / Business Coaching / Career Coaching
"I have made huge leaps up in the development of my leadership skills. I have taken a lot away from working on my mental fitness, how to deal with negative triggers and how to communicate more effectively. I pay more attention to targeting the strengths of my employees. Overall, I've gained more self-confidence and go into exchanges with the board members from the various divisions much more often. That is appreciated. I've noticed that my day-to-day work is too tactical and I want to set strategic priorities more consistently in the future - for the development of the company and for my own professional development. I want to build up state-of-the art knowledge and good networks for future topics in a targeted way." (Male, IT Industry, Germany, 2021)
„Nochmal vielen Dank für das Coaching. Deine vielen guten Anregungen und Hinweise zu meiner beruflichen Entwicklung haben mir viele positive Denkanstöße gegeben, mich inspiriert und mir viel Mut gegeben.“ (LH, Female, Germany, 2021)
„Before starting coaching, I knew I needed to change something in my life. I felt miserable and Corona didn’t help either. Since I started coaching with Michaela, I am a lot more secure about what I want.
The biggest thing is, that I have a better sense who I am. I am feeling calmer. The coaching helped quieting the chatter in my head, I am much more focused now.
I am able to voice my needs more, both in my personal and professional life.
I learned to stop negative behaviors early on and not to wait until having a crises.
Through coaching I have been able to solidify what is important to me, not only for now but also for the rest of my life.
Today, I know what I want and I appreciate myself a lot more.“
(E.H., Female, Scientist, USA, 2020)
„Je voulais avant de clôturer l’année te remercier sincèrement pour la qualité de nos échanges qui m'ont permis d'avancer très clairement sur mon développement, ma connaissance de moi-même et ont contribué à coup sur à ma promotion.“ (G.P., male, Pharmaceutical Industry, France, 2020)
„Das Coaching hat mir geholfen, mich als Führungskraft anders wahrzunehmen, meinen Handlungsspielraum zu vergrößern und mich dadurch auch persönlich weiterzuentwickeln und mit dem Führungsalltag sicherer umzugehen“ (J.R., male, Automobile Industry, 2020)
„She really pays attention and supports in a way that's relevant. If she sees I struggle she does not hesitate to share thoughts but she always gives me the space to try and if I draw blank steps in.“ (F.A., Switzerland, 2020)
„Michaela, you have great experience and you are helping me reflect & capture patterns of my own behavioral patterns good & bad - this is great!
The coaching is already a time in the week and a milestone in the week where I focus on:
This is already a great help toward consciousness leading to more resilience and faster self-reflection and adaptation.“
(A.V. Male, IT Industry, France, 2020)
„Ich hatte von Anfang an hinsichtlich „guter Chemie“ ein gutes Bauchgefühl, was sich dann auch in den Einzelgesprächen vollends bestätigt hat. Gut fand ich das flexible Eingehen auf die aktuellen Themen aus meinem Alltag. Ich profitiere dabei sehr von der Erfahrung von Michaela. Der Austausch und das damit verbundene direkte Feedback ist für mich stets enorm hilfreich. Zudem bleibt Michaela auch nachhaltig an den Themen dran, indem sie nachfragt oder hinterfragt. Die Struktur war gut, super Time Boxing und dabei flexibles Eingehen auf aktuelle Themen. Wir haben häufiger das Thema „unterschiedliche Persönlichkeitstypen aufgegriffen. Das war sehr hilfreich, um mich, mein Verhalten/meine Reaktionen, auch im Vergleich zu anderen, besser reflektieren zu können. Auch Perfektionismus war ein Thema. Besonders effektiv fand ich die Achtsamkeit und Perspektivenwechsel. Den Wert und die Qualität unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit bewerte ich mit 10 von 10 Punkten.“ (J. R., Male, Automotive Industry, Germany, 2020)
„I will never thank you enough because you really gave me the right tools and support in a special period of my professional and personal life...I already shared this, but really you made it possible for me to find the resources and strengths needed in order not to crash and find back really THANK YOU from my heart! „(M.D., Male, Food Industry, Italy, 2020)
„Thank you for all our great sessions and for the comprehensive, excellent material you have sent along the way. I think you’re an excellent coach, challenging, provocative when required, and supportive, and very hands on - which is why I selected you in the first place, thinking that a coach wearing boxing gloves would offer exactly that.“ (Senior Sales Director, Male, IT Industry,Denmark 2019)
"Michaela's profound dedication to excellence in coaching showed up in every coaching session we had together. I am grateful for the learning she inspired in preparing for important meetings with our executive team. It changed how I approach delicate and controversial topics." (P. R., Male, Sr. Director, Research Center GmbH, Vienna, 2017)
"Als ich mich entschied, Coaching in Anspruch zu nehmen, ging es mir sehr schlecht. Ich fühlte mich verletzt, erschöpft, müde und krank und musste mich in einer denkbar schlechten Verfassung auf Jobsuche begeben. Ich fühlte mich wie eine Ertrinkende.
Durch das Coaching habe ich mehr Klarheit gefunden, für das, was ich im Beruf und Leben für mich will. Das gibt mir viel Handlungssicherheit. Ich habe eine Stelle gefunden, die sich richtig gut anfühlt. Ich bin voller Energie und voller Leichtigkeit. Ich bin offen, für das, was wachsen kann. Und auch wenn manche Dinge nicht lösbar sind, so kann ich diese loslassen. Ich sorge besser für mich, bin gesundheitlich stabiler geworden und stehe wieder fest mit beiden Beinen auf dem Boden.
Ich fühlte mich im Coaching mit Michaela Hertel sehr gut aufgehoben. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass Sie mich immer in die Richtung meiner Stärken schubste. Ich fand es schön. Ich freute mich immer auf die Sessions. Und ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass die Sitzungen so intensiv sind. Sie stellte die richtigen Fragen, über die ich angestrengt nachdenken musste. Dadurch habe ich viel erreicht.
Ich will an weiteren Themen so zielgerichtet arbeiten und habe mich erneut für einen Coaching-Zyklus entschlossen. Ich weiß, es ist gut investierte Zeit und Geld." (SAP-Consultant, Female, 43 years, Germany, 2017)
"Michaela's profound dedication to excellence in coaching showed up in every coaching session we had together. I am grateful for the learning she inspired in preparing for important meetings with our executive team. It changed how I approach delicate and controversial topics." (P. R., Male, Sr. Director, Research Center GmbH, Vienna, 2017)
"I began working with Michaela at a time when I was very unhappy with my primary employment. I am very privileged to have met Michaela as she has been an exemplary professional coach. Not only she exhibits a unique sense of interest in my life, but her insights, great questions and gentle prodding and direction are always on target and always help me being unstuck. She helped me to stay focused on the advantages instead of the difficulties. Throughout the coaching I found how important it is to have someone to talk to on the outside, for both the perspective and encouragement. I felt very supported and championed in the attainment of my goals.
Michaela has been a vital resource to me, she shares her wealth of experience and knowledge which I found very invaluable. Her coaching style is very caring, supportive and always listens with interest as well as providing me with the safe space to do and be whichever way I need to. She asks the right questions to lead me to very solid and clear decisions. She has definitely helped me focus and prioritize. As well as look at problems in different ways thus finding meaningful solutions. As a result of my work with Michaela I am currently making a very big and important career transition that although overwhelming and scary yet very exciting and coming from a very resonant and confident place inside me. I am very grateful for working with Michaela and looking forward to more work with her around other areas in my life." (G.B. - Female, Project Manager, UK, 2016)
"I am so thankful to have been coached by Michaela Hertel at a very challenging time in my life. I had moved to a new city and was embarking on a new career path while forming a new business. I was stuck and yet at the same time I felt like things were swirling out of control around me.
Michaela listened deeply and was creative in tapping into my creativity. She helped me to not only find a path out of my "stuck-ness" but to move well beyond where I expected to be after coaching. She is masterful and the experience was transformative!" (M.H., Female, Charleston, USA, 2016)
"Michaela has mirrored us in a good way. She let us see our inner side by asking the right questions. She helped us coming a step forward." (A. G., Engineer, Male, Netherlands, 2016)
"Coaching with Michaela was an eye-opener. In just a few sessions we gained a totally different perspective of each other, even discovered new personality traits, which enabled us to understand how to communicate with each other accordingly."
"Coaching sessions are not about discovering who is right, wrong and who is to blame. Mostly the magic of coaching is about providing a framework enabling both partners to consciously communicate with each other and to consciously avoid falling down the rabbit hole." (Female, London, UK, 2017)
„Due to my job as HR professional I have done quite a few assessments about different aspects of personality already. The experience with Michaela was very rewarding as she guided me through the whole process. I know there are a variety of assessments out there in the internet people can do on their own, walk away with some instant feedback that won’t really serve them. With Michaela we went into a very deep conversation that helped me to identify my best type, really understand the dynamic of my personal type during my life as well as the impact on my interaction with other people. Working with Michaela even on more edgy topics felt natural, easy, safe and motivating.“ (R. J., Head Human Resources, Switzerland, 2016)