Evidenced Based Coaching is a very powerful tool to address leadership challenges.

As a Professional Certified Coach (ICF) I support executives across the globe working in highly dynamic environments that want to increase their impact, inspire their teams and succeed in highly complex and volatile environments. I do work  with  a variety of industries and leadership functions. 

My individual clients are highly skilled, growth minded and result-driven individuals and teams who hire me to challenge and support them in a very targeted reflection process: to amplify their leadership styles portfolio, to understand the dynamics in the organization and their teams, reach their goals not only faster but also based on a heightened awareness and much broader perspectives.

Executive Coaching helps them aligning their personal and professional goals, making a more conscious use of their signature strengths and motivations, enhancing their interpersonal skills as well as using the right levers for greater impact and laser-focused action.  

Group Coaching allows people from different areas to experience a rich journey together each of them working on their respective individual goals. Topics could be Leadership, Communication, Networking, Innovation, Conflict Management, Change Management Coaching Skills for Leaders etc.

Team Coaching empowers teams to leverage positivity and performance on the team as the key factors to become high performing teams.

As a Certified Practitioner I do offer different assessment solutions that provide clear and valuable insights on personal traits through personality type assessments, on motivation and strengths, leadership and leadership styles portfolio, team performance, as well as 360 Assessment and Organizational Assessments.

Some say: "Only what can be measured can be improved!" 

Reach out and learn first-hand how I can support you achieve your goals!
